It’s one of the most inspriing stories- how a lad who read 3 books a day, apparently every book in the school library, had a dream.
Of taking the human race to space, to Mars
He had the knowledge, he needed some skills, so he learned to code, helped launch PayPay.
He sold his shares to launch a solar panel company, an electric car company and a starship company that has flown over 100 space missions with reusable rockets.
Love or loath Elon Musk (we don’t do either), you can’t deny it’s an inspiring story and one of several we’ve been telling kids on our UK tours.
Now the next chapter is about to unfold…
EXCLUSIVE: Listen to Elon Musk chat the night before the #StarShip24Launch
As at 08:00 17:04:23 the #StarShip24Launch window was put back to no earlier that 08:00 CT
So our updated timetable is as below:
12:00 Live stream goes live with countdown
13:30 Live Streamed #RocketKidsShow starts
14:00 StarShip24 launch
14:15 Booster landing
15:15 StarShip14 landing
(All times BST (UTC+1))
SpaceX has tested 23 StarShips - after a few hiccups and ‘rapid dissassemblies’ they launch and they land, on their own.
No earlier than 13:00 BST/07:00 CT StarShip24 is due to take off on it’s first orbital flight on top of a Super Heavy Booster, the whole thing is 150m tall, half as tall again as Big Ben.
Join us on #OurSeeMonster at Boca Rica to see and share this miletone moment.
We’ll be live below on the following platforms:
We’ll also have a Zoom studio audience for schools and commentators who want to join us live on screen - we will only release this log-in to people with confirmed email addresses - sign up here for details of that.
We’re delighted that Homer Hickam, former NASA engineer (Space Shuttle and ISS) and global best selling author of the book ‘Rocket Boys’ (movie October Sky) that inspired ALL our #ArtOfRockets work and current #RocketKids23 UK Tour, has offered us an exclusive appearance on our live stream show (subject to his poorly cat Wyatt not having to go to the vets)
Homer has been a rock to us so fingers crossed for Wyatt and us!
Anyone who has been following my antics will know I, Nick Corston a dad and co-founder of STEAM Co. have been called “a man on a mission” - a mission to raise a million quids to inspire a million kids’ to aim higher than high with their creativity
When my mother passed suddenly last year I was blown away when a generous space enthusiast offered to match fund our first £100k and we bought our own #StarShip22 (folk without any imagination just see an old camper van!)
We now fly all over the UK in it.
Check it out in the film me made here to pitch for the £250k Big Education Challenge Fund that Sir Richard Branson’s Virgin Group had launched.
The plan was to put three of our #ArtTrucks and STEAMsters on the road from September delivering free sessions in schools and communities across the UK in:
Shropshire - North Wales/West Mids/Liverpool
Cornwall - South West and up to Bristol and across to Southampton
Yorkshire - Leeds, Bradford, across to the ridings nd up to the North East
And to launch/run the #RocketKidsClub as an online community for a year, a place where kids, parents and creative carers can be inspired, create and share with a weekly live streamed show from our #StarShip22 as we travel around the UK.
Sadly we heard we weren’t shortlisted, and liek Sir Richard Branson, aren’t giving up.
Friday 21st April is World Creaticity Day and we’re planing a launch eventr for #OurMillion23 to rasie the next £250k we need to do the above.
If you can’t til then, do please feel free to chip in here
Our school sessions are recommened by 100% of head teachers who have booked them
This half or full day sesson is for primary KS1/2 and Secondary KS3 schools and consists of:
All school assembly - live or live streamed to your whole school community, in classes and at home
A day of creative activities - from rocket making to design, coding, cardboard modelling, inventing, even clay martian making
A real rocket launch - a dynamite rocket to send everyone home buzzing with inspiration to learn together
Sign up here for more info and to book
While you wait for the launch, check out the StarShip story below