We’re delighted to be hosting a panel discussion ‘In Memory of Sir Ken Robinson’ at the Creative Coalition 20 Festival being organised by the newly merged Creative Industries Federation and Creative England on Wednesday 11th November at 12.20pm.

In it we will launch a new series of our #ARTCONNECTS Podcast - #TalkWalkers20 - which will include this session later in the week.

We are also launching the #CreativeCarers Patreon to help fund our work and pay for more creatives, artists whose art is their livelihood to work with us in and with school school communities across the UK like this.

To Put #CreativityFirst in our Schools, Work and Lives:

We’re live streaming it from the half size Pyramid Stage we built from Cardboard, Code and Creativity at the #YourGlasto Weekend Community Art Festival we ran in the summer with Arts Council England, National Lottery, DCMS and LGfL support.

Here’s at test live stream we ran with artist Steve McQueen being interviewed by Connie Luq.

The Fed

STEAM Co. have been proud members of the Creative Industries Federation for over 4 years now and found it of immense value on a number of levels - particularly inspiration and connection.

They do a fantastic job of running events and campaigning for creativity in our schools, work and lives.

Here’s as clip of an event they ran where the Culture Minister, then Jeremy Wright spoke about the importance of creativity in schools.


With 6 stages, over 60 sessions and over 400 creatives presenting and over 5,500 delegates signed up this promises to be a fantastic and long over due event.

We’ve run similar events on a smaller scale like our #ARTCONNECTS Festivals with the support of Fed members like Google and Barclays and founder board members like Sir Peter Bazalgette who was then Chair of Arts Council England.


STEAM Co. is a non-profit community enterprise that was inspired in no small way by a TED talk by a Liverpudlian to help all our kids aim high, to find their passion, their Art.

In the shadow of the tragic recent passing of that wonderful man, Sir Ken Robinson who gave the No. 1 TED Talk with over 300m viewings on how Schools can kill Creativity in Children, this panel will hear from four people who knew and how they were inspired by Sir Ken and try to visualise how we might all be part of his legacy.

We’ll be live streaming it live and direct from our half size Pyramid Stage 12.20 to 1.15pm Wednesday 11th November:

  • Chair: Nick Corston - Dad, Co-founder, CEO of STEAM Co.

  • Prof Anne Bamford - Strategic Director of Education, Skills, and Culture, City of London Corporation

  • Shona McCarthy - CEO Edinburgh Festival Fringe Society/Former CEO Londonderry Culture Company 2013

  • Kenneth Olumuyiwa TharpCBE - Freelance Art and Culture Consultant and Former CEO The Africa Centre/The Place

Register for the Creative Coalition 20 Festival here and enjoy the exclusive interview that Sire Ken gave for us at the launch event for STEAM Co. in Liverpool five years ago.

A cardboard pyramid stage

When Glastonbury was cancelled we ran our own #YourGlasto weekend with arts form all over the UK> here’s a film we mashed up with clips from a brilliant BBC documentary about two of our headliners.
